
An Interview with a Wildlife Expert (part 2)

An Interview with a Wildlife Expert (part 2)

In part 1, Dad gave us a glimpse into the natural world at Dreamcatcher Cabins. From kingfishers to hummingbird hawkmoths, the diversity of the ecosystem he’s nourished is admirable to say the least. The abundance of wildlife makes a stay at the cabins that little bit more special.  However, almost…

Cabin Diaries #2 – An Interview with an Expert (Part 1)

Cabin Diaries #2 – An Interview with an Expert (Part 1)

Sipping on my morning brew, I’m often treated to a visit from Bobbin the robin. He arrives in a flurry of wing beats, settles himself on a tap, and scans the area for any tasty morsels. He’ll hop furtively around the bath, then, once he’s noticed my gaze, zip off…